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Nutcracker heads for the woods !

NutcrackerheaderIf you missed out on the World Cup at Dalby earlier on this year then you can now test your riding skills around the same XC World Cup Course on Sunday. Remember if you don’t pre enter then you have to pay an extra £7 to park and an extra £5 to enter on the day. The Crew are also desperately looking for Marshall’s for the event so contact them if you can spare a day watching the riders go by enjoying the pain & pleasure. All the info is here –

Also if you are down on the Saturday before call in past Purple Mountain before 1pm & get 20% off see below


Toon Cycloned

GfkHomeYes its that time of year again when Northern Cyclone hits the Big Toon. Starts on Fri 11th Night – Leazes Crits, always a great night of fun & entertainment with riders crashing into barriers/ skidding on duck poo / pedestrians run over / dreadful weather / riders pelting the officals with water bottles etc etc. Sat 12th is the Sportif with three distances (no on the day entry) and to finish off with the  Beaumont Trophy Elite Road Race on Sun 13th.

Richmond Cycling Meet 2010

Richmond Grass Track 31.5.10 001What a final to 4 days of 118th Richmond Meet Richmond Grass Track 31.5.10 0132010- Cycling. It started on Thursday night with the time trail then the very popular Sportive on the Saturday which always challenges even the best riders. Unfortuately the road race was cancelled on the Sunday but the Grass Track Racing at the Cricket Club was certainaly a goer on Bank Hol Monday. Some photos of the event are in the gallery

Results and photos etc are on Richmond site

Riders Cobbled Off

IMG_6530The Pros have been and gone (some to hospital as well). Durham’s traditional streets sorted out the hardcore riders (and bikes to come to that)  from the ten teams. The best corner was at the bottom of the hill turning right into South Street where several riders went into the straw bales more than once and that was when the cobbles were dry ! It was alittle disappointing that there was pre or post race entertainment going around the circuit for the spectators around the course, there was one team car went around a couple of times but that was it. IMG_6658The Press said that it would attract 3000 spectators on the night, not sure where they were because the top half of the circuit was dead and most went home after half an hour on the bottom half.

It was nice to see so many local riders turn up and watch the action (and give me some stick!) there are some photos in the gallery inc some from Dunny the results and riders interviews are here

Halfords Tour Durham- UPDATE

20100523_TourSeries_RD1_GibbYes it this Thursday night – all the roads that the circuit will be using will be closed from anytime between 8.00am – 12.00am for them to set up the course. The start/finish line is on the road opposite the entrance to Durham School on Grove Road. Remeber to smile for the TV cameras as it will be on ITV4 7.00pm Friday 28th May.

18.00 riders warm up on the circuit and signing on opens

18.45 signing on closes

18.50 riders form up on the start/finish line with team mascots

19.00 race strats 1hour + 5laps

19.15 sprint 1

19.30 sprint 2

19.45 sprint 3

20.00 5 laps to go bell

20.15 race ends

20.30 podium ceremont and presentations


Aske Sweat’ed

AskeSweat_007Two rounds in a row now the weather has been Aske_004brilliant with 26 degrees of heat and a cooling breaze in places by all accounts made for a dry course this time. The course had a great mix of terrain including a hill more or less from the start field and parking was much better as it was next to the signing on etc. The younger ones also got a race (even two in fact) on a seperate course in the woods where it was much more cooler. Gallery of pics here – the sweat monsters) sorry i did not get out on the full course but had to leave early. Full results etc here – AskeSweat_006

Charity Ride Sun 23rd May

Michelles rideMichelles Ride 2010 in aid of the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation, organised by Sustrans. There are three rides all leaving from Duridge Bay Country Park.  5, 20 & 40miles. £7.50 per adult, £5 per child or £15 for 2 adults + 2 kids. All recieve a goodybag, T shirt  & entry to a prize raffle. Many other attractions on the day including the 3 SIXTY Stunt Team, face painting, bouncy castle, nordic walking, stalls etc. Recommend MTB as some of the route has offroad sections.

More info here Sir Bobby Rob