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Presentation Night Report

22.2.12 Pres Night 013

NECCL PRESNTATION NIGHT Winter Series 2011-12 @ Bowburn Hall Hotel Wed 22nd Feb 2012. There was nearly 60 people turned up to collect their cash / prizes and to watch the presentation. Also there was a 2 course meal followed by tea & coffee as well to wash it all down. Some photos from the night are here – and heres the link to all the certificates as well

FOR SALE – Kids bikes see FOR SALE Section above – bargains

Presentation Update

All is set for Wednesday, a total of 59 people booked in for the night. For those who havn’t been before, if youve sent a cheque, and name below, just come along for 7 and grab a seat. Confirmed: J Carr 2, T Liddle 1, S Gordon 2, B Lunn 2, P Young 2, A swales 1, T Partridge 4, L Seviour 2, Reed 2, Errington 4, S Brown 8, I Dunn3, D Mclean 1, G Turner 1, F Robertson 2, Hamilton 2, A Moss 2, Stoves 4, C Ash 2, R Smith 2, K Dowson 3, R Powell 1, T Stockill 1, R Honour 2, P Robson 1, and K Anderson 2.

Directions and address on Presentation Page

Grand Final + AGM Report

Rd 8 29.1.12 0012011/12 Winter Season end. The Season concluded at Hetton Lyons Country Park, followed by the NECCL AGM. Well done to all of our competitors, particularly those who stuck in and completed the necessary minimum five races to qualify as league finishers. The presentation dinner where finishers and winners will receive their prizes and trophies will be arranged for late in February: keep an eye on the website for details. Thanks go to Dave McLean for organising the last event where he devised a cracking course over the varied terrain that Hetton offers, even including an elongated “spiral of death” – perhaps even more challenging and confusing than the basic version. The youngsters races were run off in dry conditions but s shower of rain started the softening process and created a bit of “gravy” on some of the corners for the Seniors. Race action among the Seniors was fast and furious with a group of four battling and exchanging the lead for most of the race until Alan Nixon and Colin Nash pried open some  gaps to finish clear of the chasers, Alan taking the honours. Photos here and the results will be in the Results Section asap along with the overall League Tables for Winter 2011/12.

The AGM followed with a number of new organisers and committee members coming forward to carry us into next year. Look out for a few new venues appearing in our provisional calendar which will be published here shortly.

Rd 8 Grand Final Update + AGM info

Annual General Meeting
The NECCL Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 29th, following the final race at Hetton. NECCL was constituted with the support of regional cyclocross riders and depends on the support of cross riders for its continued existence. While we operate under the rules and regulations of The League International and use TLI’s insurance cover for our races, remember that we remain independent, run under a mandate from the cyclists who compete in our races. Our races may not attract as strong a field as other CX race series, but they still provide challenging and enjoyable racing with top value entry fees. Unfortunately, our core of race organisers has now dwindled and there was a minimal attendance at least year’s AGM. We hope to run a series of 10 or 11 races next Winter and also hope to arrange electronic timing for the events; however, we would find this difficult with the current level of support for the organisation of NECCL events. If this continues, NECCL may fold. If you compete in our races and want them to continue, please come along to the AGM and give your support. We’d love to hear any ideas how NECCL should operate in the future, whether that’s to change or continue with more of the same.

If any riders are interested in organising a race for the league, we’d be delighted to have your help and our grizzled old organisers will be happy to give you help and advice. You may have a venue in mind that you think would be good for cyclocross. Please get in touch if you are interested or see a committee member at the last race.

Remember that every Senior riders who completes the requisite number of races to qualify as a league-finisher will receive a cash prize at the end of the season and this will probably be sufficient to cover a season’s race entry fees. Arrangements for the presentaion of prizes will be announced in the days following the AGM so league finishers should keep an eye on the website then.

The Grand Final RD 8 @ Hetton Lyons Country Park, Sun 29th Jan 2012 followed by the AGM. Dave Mc will be planning a challenging course as ever around the Park mixed terrain. PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR TLI 2011 MEMBERSHIP IS STILL VALID FOR THE GRAND FINAL. Also riders must complete a min of one round from Rd 7 & 8 and also complete the min 5 from 8 to qualify for final league position. You can do both Rd 7 & 8 even if you have more than 5 rounds, your lowest points will be deducted. Full event info in the EVENTS INFO section inc directions etc.

Updated – Hardwick Report

RD7 Hardwick 332Yes Hardwick Park has been used for the first time ever for a CX event and just what a fantastic days racing. First off was the U12’s in glourious sunshine and perfect course conditions to test their strength on a shorter course with a couple of climbs and gentle descent. Then the U14/16’s tackled the full adult course around the West Park area with a set of hurdles to contend and some technical 180 degree turns. Onto the main race the sun died away sharply with over cast cloud but the course still held up very well indeed for the time of year. All the kids were prestented with a goodie bag full of goodies and the all the adults got a goodie when they signed on and 20% off in the cafe. No one went away with nothing thanks to Durham County Council for sponsoring the event and for the use of the land and facilities. Also a big thanks must go to Ian Dunn – Ferryhill Wheelers CC and all his helpers on the day – photos of the days action here Results are also in the results section & league tables updated.

Hardwick Park- Sedgefield this Sunday

Hardwick ParkRD 7 @ Hardwick Park, Sedgefield Sun 8th Jan 2012. A new and exciting venue for CX and has full facilities inc Cafe (entrants will also recieve a 20% off voucher), free carpark, toilets, indoor signing on, kids outdoor activity play area etc-  fantastic day out for all the family, full details are in the EVENTS Section, all riders of all ages and abilities welcome, entry on the day but allow plenty time before your race start time. The event is also sponsored by Durham County Council and there will be loads of prizes for everyone and goodie bags for the kids. Here is a map of the proposed courses

NECCL are looking for new Race Organisers to roll out a revamped Winter 2012/13 Winter Series.

RD 6 Report & RD 7 Update

HardwickParklogo_websiteRd 6 took us back to Dalton Park on a different course to last season.  The weather held out on the day with very little wind (compaired to normal @ Dalton Park) but alittle chilly. Many thanks to Deryk Nolan and all the helpers on the day for organising the event. Next up in the NECCL WINTER SERIES 2011-12 RD 7 @ Hardwick Park, Sedgefield Sun 8th Jan 2012. A new and exciting venue for CX and has full facilities inc Caf etc, fantastic day out for all the family, full details are in the EVENTS Section. The event is also sponsored by Durham County Council and there will be loads of prizes for everyone. Here is a map of the proposed courses

NECCL are looking for new Race Organiser to roll out a revamped Winter 2012/13 Winter Series.

RD 6 Dalton Park Shopping Complex

Rd_6_Dalton_Park_132NECCL WINTER SERIES 11-12 Rd 6 @ Dalton Park on Sun 11th Dec. We return to this fantastic venue again this year thanks to Deryk Nolan Gosforth RC. Last year was a tester as this venue has never been used for CX before but the 2ft of melted snow made it tough going in some places but no such problems this year (fingers crossed). Gallery of last year full details are in the events info section. Full facilities avaiable at venue inc free carparking, toilets and loads of cafes / shops etc for all, check them out here