NEXT UP NECCL Round 3 Sunday 4th Nov 2012
Gallagher Park, Off Schalksmule Road, Bedlington, Northumberland. NE22 7LA
Geoff & Barnesbury CC was the first to set up & use this venue for CX events last season. We return this year to sample the mixed terrain over the Park land. There will be goodies for the younger kids and loads of cash prizes for all age cats on the day. Here are some photos from last seasons event – the race report, photos and race results will be available very soon after the event. Anyone can enter on the day of any age or ability from complete novice to expert, you can use any bicycle that is suitable for offroad terrain as well.
Location Map
Garmin plot of circuit is here.
Facilities – Limited car parking in Gallagher Park, please be prepared to park in Tesco car park, opposite Gallagher Park entrance. Toilets at Tesco have closed since last year, unfortunately – nearest toilets now next to the Library opposite Morrison’s on Choppington Road.
Organiser – Geoff Turner. Barnesbury CC
U12’s 10.30am Free 10-15mins
U14/16’s/Novice Lady 11.15am £3 30mins
Sen/Vet/Lady/Jun 12.30pm £5 memebrs, £10 non members 50-60mins